
Bobbin Transport had its beginnings in 1970 when Directors, Neville & Lyn Bobbin Neville & Lyn copycommenced hauling logs out of the NSW Far South Coast forests along with the odd line haul for Switzers Transport of Eden.

The ever-demanding landscaping world saw Neville and Lyn establish a business from their farm at Greig’s Flat, Pambula. Neville operated 5 trucks which transported fertiliser to farms on the Monaro and South Coast. They established a mulch supply business with eucalypt mulch from the Eden Chip Mill.

732 copyIn 1992 Neville and Lyn purchased a depot on Mt Darragh Road, South Pambula as the business had grown too large to operate from their property.

From this they again expanded into Timber and General Freight with 8 trucks and 15 staff.

In 2003 Bobbin Transport purchased 50% of Towns Haulage business and in 2004 purchased the remainder from the other partner. This saw the company expand again into refrigerated freight primarily carting fish and supermarket products.344 copy

In 2005 a new depot and office was established at 12 Redfern Close, South Pambula and set up depots in Sydney and Melbourne. By this time the company was operating 15 prime movers and employed 40 staff .

2007 saw the Company diversify into refrigerated storage with the establishment of a cold storage facility at its Pambula depot. The facility now holds about 5,000 pallets of local product.

115 copyIn 2016, the company employs 70 people with plans to further expand its storage and road transport networks in association with its major clients.


Transporting freight to and from the South Coast of NSW